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The greatest inconsistency of evolutionist science is in its fervour to credit evolution as the bedrock of our existence, only to then force upon us a bizarre fatalist dichotomy of its fixed, immutable scientific “truths”.  

Ironically, the evolutionists proponents are the very ones frustrating the idea of evolution. If the human took 4.2 billion years to get to where we’re at, from here on, they set tent, called it home, and pulled the break of evolution by dedicating their endeavours to a retro-science based on accepting as indisputable laws the discoveries of hundreds of years ago.

The jump from primate to homos sapiens, they say, was done through “the great leap forward” cca. 65 000 – 350 000 ago with the development of “behavioural modernity”. By their model, it took us 2.6 million years to move from stone tools to Facebook fact-check science. But once here, oh, poor mortal, arrest your evolutionary tendency, because mankind evolution is doomed! Just as all spiritual wisdom has been discredited by science until itself repackaged it under “evidence-based therapy”, the same way evolutionists became silent proponents of a more modern creationism version. It took the universe about 13.8 billion years to get where it is, us about 4.2 billion years to evolve from simple life-form to the complex human, but low and behold, take a break! From here on out you’ll stop mutating, evolving, adapting to environmental requirements to survive. Now the new creationists, past evolutionists, have found a way to put evolution out of business – and you with it. CRISPR, AI, and old science have decided for you that you cannot go any further from your current condition without them training you first into how to evolve. Your thought process be damned. If is not learned from a reputed accredited institution, through years of intense labour of learning by heart the discoveries of others made hundreds of years ago, all novel though formulation is akin to a religious blasphemy, and treated at best with ridicule, at worst, as “mental illness”. That’s why most science is retrograde science; the first proponent and the undisclosed enemy of evolution.

Gratiela Rosu LLB, Hyp. Psych. MHC- Founder of the CWS Mental Health Coaching, Spiritual & Philosophical Counselling®

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