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“Thinking of finally taking Lexapro for my horrible anxiety, but I don’t want to lose any of my empathic abilities 🙁 any advice??”

“Thinking of finally taking Lexapro for my horrible anxiety, but I don’t want to lose any of my empathic abilities 🙁 any advice??”

#Empaths #anxiety and the cure – an answer to a Reddit thread of empaths:

Dear empaths,

I think that the real question is not whether psychiatric drugs will dull your empathic abilities but rather understanding what your empathic abilities are: why you have them, why only a special category of people have them, what are they trying to teach you, and what you do with them.

Taking meds if that’s the only thing you think it may help you to deal with your short term condition/reality is fine. Personally, I don’t recommend it, as an empath and a mental health specialist. Classic therapy and coping techniques can only help you up to a point.

The real “cure” is self-knowledge. The spiritual science of who you are, where are you coming from, and what’s the purpose for your trials in this life.

I was where you are. I’ve been to hell and back more times than I can count. I had some of the most horrific panic attacks happening in the worst places and at the worst times. The most frightening was while I was driving on a raining night with my 7 years old daughter in the car. It was so intense that I forgot how to drive while behind the wheel. ‘Somehow’ I managed to get to the destination intact.

There is no empath without a history of childhood abuse and neglect and revictimization in adulthood at the hands of narcissists.

But there is method to the madness, trust me.

Anxiety, depression, TRD – treatment resistant depression especially, personality disorders (which most of you would suffer from) are all wake-up calls to your true nature.

So, with the risk of pissing all of you off here, the only true cure is self-knowledge and self-education into your whole science.

As a human, and as a spiritual being having a human experience. Until you get the full picture of this whole existence, you’ll change on med for another, one diet for another, one therapist for another, dependent on others’ knowledge in who you are and how you function… Basically, never free.

The key take-home is SELF AWARENESS, or rather your level of consciousness.

How much of what you feel and think is yours and others? Anxiety is a fear response, and we fear the unknown.

Q: Is that negative cloud your subconscious mind trying to attract your attention to your unresolved deeper issues? Or the collective noosphere (mind) has reached its peak of fear and negativity? Or both? Is that person ‘triggering you’ a coincidence, or have they appeared in your life with a purpose? Can you read the signs without the conditioned beliefs filter?

The meds, mushrooms or other substances may help you take the edge off. But they will never improve your self-knowledge. They will never make you smarter or fitter to deal with the reality of this human life. And the less you know, the more you have to fear, the more anxiety will be part of your life.

It was a near death experience that finally open fully my eyes to what my empathic abilities were pointing at.

It is your 6th sense that causes your anxiety. It is the 6th sense that causes people schizophrenia or hearing voices. I had a client who spent most of her childhood in a psychiatric institution diagnosed with schizophrenia. She had a dark father Xmas figure on her shoulder inciting her to suicide and other self-harming behaviour. It turned out she was a strong empath and telepath and at the age of 9 her telepathic abilities exploded giving her excruciating headaches and nosebleeds because of the cacophony she picked up from the environment. Radio, tv, microwaves, people’s thoughts, you name it. Of course, she didn’t identify them as such at the time, just that she had a massive noise in her head making her go mad. So she compensated through food to soothe herself, and became obese at 13 when her mother took her to a psychiatrist who diagnosed her and put her in the mental institution for children. At 18 she was released in the world because she was no longer a minor. Her mother didn’t want her back home, so she squatted where she could. It was her aunt that brought her to me after another suicide tentative. In short, from the 1st session the dark father xmas figure disappeared. Nobody until then asked her about her experience when she was 9. In fact, she didn’t even want to go past year 13 when she was diagnosed because this is what all doctors and therapists have done. When I asked her to describe the experience, she used her hand to describe the rotation of a transistor radio knub used to tune into a channel. She said she heard the same noise you hear before you can tune into the channel you want. Sometimes there were voices, others a mixture of high-pitched tunes… Her telepathic abilities awakened at such young age with no help on how to control them forced her little brain to conjure a protective way to help her survive. When she looked closely, the dark father Xmas turned out to be her grandfather of whom she had some dark memories especially during Xmas. And voila! Her schizophrenia gone! It took her more time to accept that she was never mentally ill than it took to treat her condition. After only 7 sessions she rented her first flat, found a job and had a boyfriend. She lived a normal life with no further apparitions.

So learning to correctly decode the information gathered through our 6th sense is paramount in all aspects of our lives. And that only comes through proper self-knowledge, not the mixed new-age, religious, scientific guesswork.

Consciousness has its developmental stages. From rocks, to plants, animals, humans, and further on, there are scales.

For those of you interested in advancing your self-knowledge as the only long-term way out, I have an online programme I’m working on to launch soon.

One separate Masterclass about the 4 levels of consciousness and your self-awareness development (the Stage-Jumpers will be your level) is already live for you to get a basic picture of the what and whys.

Get in touch if you need help and are ready to take control of your life and abilities.

Read How Not To Find Your Life Purpose – 5 Ways To Live Someone Else’s Life

Gratiela Rosu LLB.MHC. PsyT.HypFounder of CWS Method®, Bestselling Author, Specialist in Holistic Treatments for TRD, PD, Anxiety and other Resistant to Treatment Mental Health Conditions

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