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Something happened to Monday! Did you feel it?

Monday morning. Coffee, listening to “Awaken” by Damien Escobar on repeat, losing myself in a cosmic inner dance of my soul with the whole Creation, looking for my next step, my next best thing to do or say to you to lift your spirit, to touch your soul and inspire you.
I was thinking of those of you in an office, of the rat race you have re-entered, as usual, Mondays. I was thinking of the unemployed who are lost for lack of opportunities, at the single mothers struggling, returning to their unending, soul-damaging chores. I was thinking to the people who have touched me lately, to their dreams and hopes, to their challenges, inner and outer… Damien Escobar still on repeat, the dogs looking at me as if I had gone mad, lost in my dance that seemed more like a magic ritual… “What can I do? What can I say to them to make them see what I see, feel what I feel? People don’t need more articles or videos about stress management. Not on Monday morning at least. What do they need?”

A: “They need magic! The magic you are experiencing right now! The magic that Damien Escobar drips in every molecule of your body making them explode with ecstasy. The magic that makes the soul dance and the heart sing. The magic that reminds them that they are not the empty shells chasing at all costs a piece of paper to buy the things that will make their hollow inner space less empty. The magic that reminds them that they are not the vessel they inhabit, although they have many in all the levels of Creation, calling each other through Monday morning posts like this. The magic that reminds them that they are Source playing Itself like Escobar plays his violin, inviting all its versions to join in the space where Monday is also dancing with its brothers and sisters, Tuesday to Sunday, lost in the magic ritual of awakening.

That’s what they need!


Damn it, Escobar! You made Monday transcend!


Grațiela M. Roșu

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