You don’t need to be spiritually inclined to benefit from this lesson.
From a purely pragmatic point of view, learning to identify people’s behaviours, learning styles, interests and aims based on their consciousness development level saves you a lifetime of disappointment and therapy.
Once you understand that we may be 9 billion people on this planet, but each is at a different consciousness developmental stage with their characteristics, fears, and needs, your perception will change. You will no longer waste time trying to change people that can’t change. Or take things personally. You will recognise your level and your needs as well as those of others and will be able to integrate your polarities so you could move to your next stage. If you are working with people, it will help you identify those you are best suited to help and what category of clients you should stay away from.
Knowing how people work based on their level of awareness it’s one of the most important skills to have. Not to mention that this knowledge was given to us at this time because you are ripe for it.
And before we move on, I want to make clear that the categorization of people on the levels of consciousness is not made from a judgmental or disrespectful position, but on a factual scale with respect for all levels of consciousness.
Describing the behaviours and characteristics is not equal to judging or guilting someone for their developmental stage. But we need to be aware of them to understand why not everyone responds to the same treatment or effort to communicate with.
With that out of the way, let’s see what these stages are.
Level 0 – The embryo -Totally unconscious People in this stage are:
– Deeply rooted in matter and its basic needs: food, shelter, mating
– Mainly instinctual, no deliberation, no creativity
– Monochrome vision. Black or white, no nuance.
– Mainly guided by their survival instinct. They live and act from the first evolutionary brain- the reptilian; cold, deceiving, aggressive, fearful. This is where most offenders are.
– Because they haven’t reached their higher communication centres, they are generally of low intellect at this stage. We stay away from comparison & judgement of good bad, intelligent, stupid. They are simply at the beginning phase of evolution – at least in this human form.
This level has not reached a sufficient intellect development to be receptive to words and higher thinking. It is so dense that whatever you say to them it bounces back.
They cannot be helped through talk therapies & self-work. These are generally the lost causes in mental institutions, not because they have a “mental illness”, but because their level of self- awareness is so low and cannot make sense of the bleeds from other realities, and that overload literally drives them crazy.
Note: Everything in existence works on degrees. Between day and night, you have degrees of light and darkness, degrees of temperature, degrees of levels of consciousness – from wide awake in the morning, to daydreaming in the afternoon, and fast asleep at night.
The same way, within each level of consciousness there are degrees – from the more underdeveloped to the more developed within that consciousness level, and from that level to the next.
Level 1 – The Beginner
Basic human development, evolved from instinctual to basic intellect and emotional range.
– Primeval development stage.
– Needs directions, what to do, think, believe, how to act
– No self-agency, basic creativity and craftmanship at rudimentary level
– Community rooted, need to live in a close, small community with strict rules of conduct to feel safe and have directions. The best example: religious communities – this is the group that falls prey to terrorism, religious fanatics, and cults.
– Us vs them tribal mentality
– Rigidity – think Jehovah witnesses and Mormons.
– Highly superstitious
– Highly dependent on others – hence community dependence
– Fall easily ill due to their rigidity and superstitions. If a black cat crossed their path, they’ll agonize on the many things that could go wrong and will generally make it happen; the self- fulfilled prophecy which only deepen their belief & superstition.
This group could only be helped by their community leaders – church, shamans, pastors, family and friends. You see these people going to televangelism, Sunday church, and so on.
Deep family roots, no divorce, no relationship freedom. Generally, women and children are the ones to suffer as this is a heavily Patriarchal structure. The man is the ruler & the woman the subject who must obey. A lot of domestic violence, child sexual and physical abuse come from this category as well as inbreeding.
As people grow self-awareness and move up from 1st to 2nd stage, they will eventually leave the group, at high costs: shunning, excommunication, family estrangement, isolation. People at this breakaway stage will have a very difficult time: no longer in their small rigid community subject to the abuse, but alone in the big world without the protection of the group. So, they will go into the proverbial: out from the frying pan into the fire. They will join another community on extremes- from rigid to “all is permitted”. They escape one cult and fall into another. From Mormonism to New Age cults who take advantage of their need to belong and depend, and of their learned helplessness and deference to authority. And not only cults but also gangs or any pack mentality.
Some will choose a Matriarchal cult, especially if they’ve suffered at the hands of a patriarchal structure. Or if they are gay or have unclear sexuality, they will choose a charismatic cult leader that best represents both male and female sexual energies.
These cult leaders know very well the needs of their followers, often being themselves an escapee of such cult, and will model their perpetrators’ ruling style, becoming the wolf dressed as sheep.
Since evolution is the driving force behind creation, these people leaving the L1 stage are generally open to knowledge, on their way to exploring different beliefs systems. They are also very fickle and easily dissatisfied because they’ve gone from rigid others-dependent to wide open, everything is possible. This transition from rigid dictatorship to no rules freedom will expose them to all kinds of dangers and predators.
Their biggest enemy in this transition is their learnt helplessness and credulity.
Level 2: The Apprentice – Emergent youth stage
At this level you start developing as an individual gaining social and professional skills. This level is social dependence based. All motivations at this level are to distinguish yourself from and to impress others. This level is one step forward from the small village, rural level 1 mentality to the bigger urban social structure.
If in the level 1 the dependence was on the members and leader of that community, in Level 2 the dependence is on a wider public opinion and submission to its authority structure and its leaders: the school, the company, the science, the government.
Level 2 has its own degrees, from advanced craftsmanship, to arts, academia, business, and politics. Very much solar plexus and brain dominated level, with their higher emotional centres and higher vision blocked.
This is the level of intellectual fear, highly conflicting feelings and emotions which lead to repression and physical illness as a result: autoimmune conditions, HBP, heart problems, diabetes, gout, and so on.
Social status is the benchmark of self-assessment at this stage and the one people assess others. In a non-exhaustive list, the characteristics of this level are:
The bright side
– L2 urban consciousness – from credulity and superstition to learning and enquiry
– Development of societal awareness: realising that you are part of a social structure, bigger than the family or tribe.
– Emancipation & independence
– Development of intellectual analysis: reading, self-study, self-development
– Psychological refinement – appreciation of art, music, travel & cultural variety
– Basic – moderate scientific curiosity
– Developing a more sophisticated thinking, feeling, and behaviour
– Entrepreneurial & hard working
– Career & social success driven
– Far end of L2: Emerging authenticity, compassion, and spiritual growth oriented
The dark side, especially in the first half of the L2 spectrum
– “The goal excuses the means” mentality
– Individualism, competition, narcissism, dishonesty, deception & lack mentality. “I must get it before you.” From the game theory, the zero-sum game.
– Like all youth, arrogance and ‘know it all’ attitude
– Strict rules of engagement which if breached lead to severe consequences. Ex: “If you don’t follow the approved professional path, you won’t have a respectable career and social position. If you don’t follow the approved narrative, you become an outcast, “a conspiracy theorist”.
– Fear-based education and work
– Group-think mentality – by fear of social exclusion consequences
– Self-neglect and self-sacrifice to gain social approval. Sacrificing one’s inner voice, truth, and dreams in order to fit in. This is the reason behind mental health and psychosomatic conditions.
– Separation and isolation; caste mentality: intellectuals vs uneducated; upper, middle class vs working class
– Systemic thinking – the unique talents and qualities of the individual sacrificed for a mediocre collective aim; the tall-poppy syndrome. “Is not what you bring new to the field, but how well you integrate the company’s culture” kind of discourse.
– Since this level is highly competitive it only leads to narrow thinking and intellectual bias of those with vested interests at the top of this social pyramid.
– No need for God in this level – science is the new God, the new religion, the new cult
– Sexual drive & need for a co-dependent partner
– Transactional relationships: How much do you earn or what degrees do you have; What family are you coming from; Youth and beauty marrying money and social status, etc.
– Reliance on street smarts or intellect, devoid of spiritual values and morals
– Rigid thinking in line with the “approved” official narrative – to avoid social ostracization
– Fear of other’s opinions, people pleasing
– Strict rigid social boundaries: “the professional” – so thick that you cannot see the person behind that role
– Inauthentic living – impressing others – again from that competitive, discriminatory mentality. In this Level, you have to up one your peers to drive your sense of worthiness.
– Adolescence and middle age identity crisis, crush and burn.
It generally takes people at this stage most of their life to move to the far end of the 2nd level when they realise that they are not happy with their achievements, marriage, careers; that life is more than what they thought or were made to believe.
Typical L2 conditions:
- Existential depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sleep, and sexual dysfunctions
- Overactive mind – being in the head, absent from the body
- Need constant social validation, interaction, and distractions even if in a relationship
- ADHD, chronically stressed and worried about anything. This causes people to look for relief in alcohol, drugs, porn, affairs, promiscuity, gambling, become addicts to diet, exterior looks, plastic surgery, luxury brand identity, and the rest.
- Intense family disputes and breakdowns caused by these coping mechanisms
- Toxic shame and self-blame often leading to suicidal ideation
- End of L2 spectrum: ready to change career, job, partner but feeling trapped. Something special inside asking to come forth, if only it heard the right word, the right signal, the right opportunity. If you are here, you are looking to self-improve, change diet, start exercising, undertaking meditation and mindfulness courses, starting to read more about emotional intelligence and touching toes with spirituality – but with the “modern”, “safe” kind of spirituality that won’t expose you to ridicule from your peers.
Here is where the “success” and “manifesting” internet influencers are at. What this end of spectrum Level 2 influencers do is indoctrinate you in another cult mentality with its own pyramidal structure. Woke-ism work culture and habits replace the old social rules. Multitasking, time crunching, even sleep becomes a structured strategy in the service of “The Goal”: money and significance. Promoting easy hooks such as “the path of least resistance”, desire for fame and notoriety. A lot of beauty-talk at this level, saying all the wright words but embodying none. High openness to variety and multicultural values but based on bottom line interest.
As they will mature and get it out of their system – which could take them many lifetimes because the material pleasures of this dimension are highly addictive, they too will settle down looking for higher meaning.
Lessons for this stage:
- Get out of your head and into your body.
- Practice self-honesty, active listening, and mindful relationships.
- Get in touch with nature and animals. Ideally, rescue a pet. It will become your new consciousness ‘master’. Trust me!☺
- Sharpen your skill. Put in the hard work and develop your expertise to the highest standard. This is the secret to self-confidence!
- Learn to ask for help. We all need it!
- Embody the true scientist. Keep an open mind and don’t take for granted any information, no matter its authority level and scientific accolades. Do your own research in official and controversial versions on your topics of interest.
- Remove your blinders. Enquire into the fringe science and spiritual/philosophical teachings before you form your opinions.
- Cultivate a spiritual growth mentality and invest in a 1-1 mentoring program. Alone you don’t know what you don’t know, what your blind spots and limiting, self- sabotaging beliefs are.
If you are in couple, I recommend you both undergo the programme at the same time to be on the same developmental wavelength.
Prevention is cheaper than treatment! A lot cheaper than divorce and years of failed relationships.
If you are in a problematic relationship, or suffer from a mental health or psychosomatic condition, that’s your higher consciousness messenger calling you out of the stage you’ve outgrown.
Don’t try to silence it with pills. It will cause you more damage in the long term. Listen to its message; we do this in our 12 Weeks CWS Programme.
L3: Evanescence – The In-Betweeners or Stage Jumpers
Not here, not there stage. “In this world but not of it”. The old souls.
Each level of self-awareness has its degrees, much like the spectrum of light, and generally, people move gradually from one level to the next. But to every rule, there are exceptions, and one such exception are the “stage jumpers” who live in a perpetual “in-between” or evanescent state.
When awakening happens as a result of intense pressure and suffering, there is a leap in consciousness from one stage to the higher end of the next or even two levels ahead. Your challenge then is that of playing catch-up with the lessons from the stages jumped over.
Is when you have a spiritual experience awakening your higher level of consciousness that you are more than meets the eye, that there are more levels of existence. You start getting glimpses of these different worlds and realities, which you call OBE, astral plane visitations, etc. You have glimpses of consciousness, as if another pair of eyes open from time to time, another window through which you see into other dimensions. But for lack of a solid base, either because of the stage jump or because you’ve forced it through 3rd eye awakening, reiki, etc., before fully integrating the previous stages, these experiences become a dangerous mix of realities diagnosed as mental illnesses – from anxiety to depression all the way to psychotic episodes.
This is the stage most old souls, light-workers or healers who experienced an abrupt awakening are at. Without the 2nd level with its formal academic education – which paradoxically will be dropped at the higher level – but without it integrated at this stage from which to develop a structured, organised thought process to have a reasonable cultural background in various areas to gain some basic skills in intellectual analysis, their brain will lack the structure and ability to process this complex information and will easily fall victim of their gift.
They will fall victims of confabulation created by their previous stage superstitions. The only knowledge they have to compare it with will dictate their interpretations.
That’s why people have the same story after a NDE of white light, tunnel, meeting dead relatives or angels, because they can only translate their experience in the belief framework they have.
At this stage anything and everything goes. Many people in this phase are easily deceived by other interdimensional entities posing as whatever that person holds in high esteem: Jesus, Marry, angels. This is the stage the channellers are at, being used by these entities to possess them while giving people advice on various issues. In doing so, the veil between the worlds is penetrated with people’s consent by entities who are not supposed to come through. This is how people get possessed after seances and Family Constellation work.
The in-between stages individuals are natively intelligent and frustrated that they cannot articulate their complex experiences. This is also one of the reasons many people suffer from depression and personality disorders. Two worlds are competing for their attention. The inner world with its different levels of existence and glimpses into these realities, and this dense material existence with its rigid physical laws and social rules which does everything in its power to invalidate our otherworldly experiences.
You have that yearning for someplace else, for easier living, for joy and love, you somehow know it exists, yet you are trapped in a world of indentured servitude that doesn’t make any sense to you. Many people suffering from personality disorders, the EUPD formerly known as BPD are struggling with this in-between phase of consciousness: elated-depressed. These are not “mental illnesses” and that’s why there is no treatment on earth to “cure” them.
And here is where it becomes complicated to untangle the cause from the effect.
On the physical plane, all personality disorders and mental conditions are caused by abuse and neglect in childhood. From the physical science point of view, the cause of their condition is their childhood trauma. But there are two fundamental layers that both, the medical and therapeutic approach, and the new age alternative healing are missing:
1). The spiritual reason and meaning of having that traumatic experience to begin with. Why only a certain category of people experiences such soul shattering violation of their human body and soul?
And 2), where have they gone during that traumatic experience? In what other reality and world have they escaped at that time, which they keep accessing unconsciously each time they are triggered, making them look and feel like one moment they are here, and the next they are somewhere or somebody else.
These are not mental illnesses but the effect on the untrained psyche of these glimpses of other worlds to which they’ve gained access not through the natural evolution by completing each stage, but through trauma. Because on the physical plane the self-defence mechanism of the psyche during trauma is to fragment itself and escape in the last visited place before taking possession of this body.
That’s one part of the equation – on the physical dimension. And on the spiritual higher plane, which oversees all planes of existence, that trauma was allowed for a reason. And healing happens when you’ve listened to the message that experience tried to convey and understood its purpose. It is that understanding and the self-corrections that it asks you to do that “heals” you.
It is this lack of knowledge of the full picture, of the fact that each poison carries its cure, that makes people lose faith in God when such atrocities happen to children: “if God existed, he wouldn’t allow children to die, or wouldn’t allow such poverty”, and so on. Or “why does God takes only the good people”?
Both believers and non-believers talk about a God they’ve heard about from others, but they never actively tried to find what God’s all about, what they are all about. Because if they would actively try to figure out what their life here is all about, they will inevitably crack the God code.
Your active searches for meaning and purpose is what puts you in Conversations With Self, with “God”. With that force behind everything which is not the same one as the God presented by religious dogma.
I know I’m taking you into the deep end, but if you only retain one thing so far, before we move on to the next human developmental stage, is that everything, absolutely everything in existence is ruled by the universal law of paradox. True on one level, in one dimension, and false in another. Being and not being. Being a human ruled by physical needs at this level, but also being something else ruled by needs beyond the physical. Being a male but also having a female part and vice versa. Awake and asleep. Awake from the human perspective, and asleep from other levels of existence.
Every experience we have is a coin with two sides representing both worlds: the material and the spiritual, the Demiurge/Satan and God/Self. And nothing comes to destroy you. Every bad thing that happens to us has an inherent gift, a virtue. And every good thing that happens to us carries a hidden vice, a temptation, a test.
Where matter is trying to bring you down, through the same experience, spirit is trying to wake you up.
Going back to this oscillating between realities of people who experienced trauma – for each, that place to which their fragmented self escaped, is different, and that fragment will be a double trigger, a double reminder: of the trauma and of the other realities – hence their yo-yo states. And that’s why trauma therapy or “healing the inner child” or “recovering trauma memory” through all kinds of nonsense techniques and rituals will do in the long term more harm than good, because they don’t understand the law of paradox: that the poison has inherent the cure.
The more traumatic the experience that forced you to check out of this 3D experience, the bigger the reminder that you are here with a higher purpose.
If you have been abused in this life and suffer from treatment resistant depression, it’s a clear sign that you’ve been here before, many times, and you’ve got to the point where you needed a hard wake-up slap to jolt you out of your oblivion as to your true nature and mission here.
Even if at the human level we are only a child, the being occupying that child’s body is not born at the same time with that body. So, when someone is trying to heal ‘your trauma’, unknowingly they are deepening your trance and level of unconsciousness from which that experience tried to wake you up.
And this would be understandable for the L2 medical science and therapists, but not for those pretending to have special spiritual powers. If they were spiritually mature, they would have helped you see this without their fanfare and invented rituals. If they had the spiritual sight, you would be able to see from their perspective by being in their presence and hear them speak. My MS paralyzed client was able to play an invisible piano with his paralyzed fingers after 4 sessions of me just talking to him, and get up and walk 10 steps unaided by his crutch after 8 sessions. I didn’t poke him, didn’t use any nonsensical ritual or frog poison or spirit invocation and the likes. I saw him as he was, and I helped him see himself with the same eyes.
What should you do if you are at the in-between stage to escape this back and forth and integrate your higher level?
Integrating your higher level is equal to finding your purpose.
First let’s recap the symptoms so you can identify if you or your clients are at this stage. If you are a stage jumper you will:
– Live one day in peace one day in war
– Oscillate between super intelligent and dumb
– Are inconsistent, start many things and finish none
– Hedonistic and selfish, seeking quick pleasures irrespective of the consequences on you or others
– When things go well you claim special merits, and when things go wrong you play the victim, reminding people “how hard you had it to get where you are at”
– You always look for the shortcut to everything and choose the path to least resistance – this is where gamblers and those using the LOA to attract their “ideal life” are at
– Act as spiritually enlightened and preach to others exactly the things you should do
– Have high ambitions of superiority and harbour a lot of resentment and jealousy which you hide behind your “good Samaritan” façade
– Know to be guilty of all of the above, and these are your demons which haunt you when you are in your down mode – because deep down you know your character flaws for which you hate yourself and that’s why you self-harm in every way possible. Once, to punish yourself, harder than anyone could if they found out. And twice, to find release from that wretched sense of guilt.
– You feel as if a battle is taking place on your soul – which it does – hence your yo-yos
– You are faced with poverty and social humiliation and tempted with the financial success of others achieved by sacrificing their morals. That’s the battle on your soul testing your resolve: Are you going to choose your higher consciousness level or are you giving in and vote the L2 material pleasures stage, again? And because you haven’t yet made your mind up, because at a higher level you know that that’s not why you are here for, you make money quickly and spend it even quicker. Is like you have a love-hate relationship with money, with everything material really – whether things or people.
This is the spiritual truth behind your lacks, not the L2 nonsense of “you having limiting beliefs” which some internet guru of wealth and success can help you remove.
The only way they become successful and rich is by selling you a lie which you want to believe. By selling you the path of least resistance. They trick you with their pretended wealth with videos shoot in exotic rented locations, they flaunt their “wealth” – which is the hook to catch the fish – they give you a heartwarming story of how they were where you are at – which is the bite – and then pull you in with a crescendo of promises that make your brain salivate, and you are done for. You are in. You bought that quick road to riches and success… only to realise, once in, that that path is not really that “easy”, that it requires you to completely abandon your higher values and commit fully to the god of money, and that you must do whatever it takes to arrive. And to do so, you have to give up on “your limiting beliefs”- i.e. your innate sense of decency, your healthy modesty and humbleness, your spiritual call to wake up from this material trance.
And those who accept to sign the pact with the devil – because this is what it is – and if you don’t believe, just listen to what all those who have reached the top and realised have to say – think Prince, Michel Jackson – will become at their turn “recruiters”, like all those belonging to a cult. Because your promised riches can only come from selling the same lie to as many as you can, in as many different forms possible.
And what better way to sell your soul to the devil than that of pretending to sell the entry to paradise? This is the oldest trick in history. First it was religion, then science, and now the new age with its LOA and abundance courses.
And deep down you all know it. You just hope that you were wrong and that they are right. “They must be! Look at how happy and wealthy they are and look at me.” They are neither happy nor wealthy, even if they have trillions. But they will never admit it to you, because to do so, they’ll lose everything, and they’ve became addicted to that state of “importance”. But make no mistake, they are living their own hell.
So what should you do if you want to integrate your higher level?
The first lesson one must master in this stage is that of honest, heart, mind, and soul humbleness. You must accept to be small if you want to be big.
The path to inner peace and enlightenment is that of sacrificing your little self for the higher Self. You must be ready to pay the ultimate Socratic price. That of drinking the poison of the “accuser” rather than giving up your divine truth.
And I know is not easy. Especially in a world of inversed values where your worth is measured in what you have and how you look and not in who you are behind the surface. This is the choice you had many lifetimes, and that’s why life gets harder and harder with each reincarnation. Each sellout in one life will come back with a compound interest in the next.
Once you have done that, you must catch-up with the lessons of the previous stages and develop the psyche accordingly. You must educate yourself through self-study, reading & research to develop the human brain muscle necessary for interpreting and translating these multiple realities without you being tricked or you losing the plot.
You must actively seek applied self-knowledge (this is what we do through our 12 Weeks CWS Programme).
Because if we are here in human form having a human experience, our task is to fully explore its potential and undiscovered degrees, its untasted flavours, not to repeat the same old patterns that have already been tried out – such as a social structure built on power, money, fame, and the rest of the shiny trinkets.
This human life is a bus stop on your Self exploration journey. Or by you imitating others trying to achieve what they have achieved, you are getting on the bus to nowhere, because your journey is unique.
Self said in the book that the biggest affliction of humans is that of suffering from not being seen for who they truly are, for their uniqueness, while at the same time doing all in their power to become like the others. The real madness, as they called it.
Think of you in this human experience as an explorer, as the Magellan who contributed to charting our planet adding new worlds on the map, worlds in which no one else believed until he took that perilous voyage and proved it. Each of you is here to map the territory. And each of your illnesses and challenges are your compass to these new worlds you are supposed to discover.
The process of discovery is one of co-creation.
The classic mistake of those who have burnt stages is that of trying to develop their extrasensory perceptions & metaphysical skills while neglecting and lacking basic physical skills: self-analysis and self-control over their sensory perception.
They try to understand the universe before understanding themselves. Or if they started home, they would discover the rest.
Whoever is selling you awakening 3rd eye this or channeling that, frog poison, water boarding or water breathing, energy, chanting mantras, or any practice that doesn’t require you to put in your effort to develop your intellect/psyche, to revise your lacking skills and your own wrongdoing and mistakes which you hide behind your illness and victimhood position, or “specialness” – is doing you the greatest disservice. They are without knowing a recruiter of the same old tyrannical structure posing as your saviour.
Level 4: The Master/Sage
Maturely ripe, having a keen spiritual perception and discernment, sound judgment and foresight. This is where the true spiritual awakening takes place.
– Money have no longer value at this level, nor social accolades.
– If in the previous stage we are charmed by sophistication & complexity, at this more mature level, the epitome of sophistication is one’s simplicity.
– Because of it, the social construct loses its power over our perception. We easily see through situations and people’s intentions.
– The fear of other’s judgement dissipates. The immature ego leaves space to a mature humbleness. The focus is internal and no longer external.
– Everything is questioned from a humble, child-like, unassumed and unbiased curiosity leading to quantum leaps in spiritual self-actualisation.
– We start living from the inside out and no longer from the outside in. We are more Self oriented but less selfish, whereas outside in living relies on external stimuli and input to generate pleasant experiences.
That’s the key here! We no longer need others to give us the feelings and states we are after in the previous stages, because we self-generate them.
This is one of the most beautiful stages of human awakening, but paradoxically – remember the universal law of paradox?☺- it’s also the lonelier phase leading to self-isolation and solitude.
You no longer need outside admiration and praise. As a result, you no longer have the ambition to impress and distinguish yourself from the crowd. You no longer need a partner and company or entertainment, exotic holidays, and all the fanfare of the previous stages.
However, by becoming self-sufficient in a co-dependent world, this stage has its own limitations. Being out of touch with the rest, we also have no one to share our gifts and plenitude with. Being in the free giving overflow mode, we get taken advantage of. That leads to bouts of depression, lack of motivation, low energy, and no desire to do anything anymore.
We live from a passive state waiting for this assignment to end.
We let ourselves slide, and from mature and enlightened, we feel at times like the biggest losers of all, trapped in this ambivalent state: one part feels like we’ve completed our mission, while the other feels like we still have a song unsung in us which we are meant to deliver. But to do so, you’ll need to have the ambition “to make a difference”, or from that level, you don’t care about that anymore because that will require you to go back one stage and fight for supremacy over your gift or message, and you are not willing to pay that price.
To fully embody this stage, you will have to completely retreat from the world and live most of the time in communion with higher dimensions than with this reality.
These are the true spiritual teachers who choose simple living not because they’ve practiced abstinence, but because they’ve gone through all the previous stages, had their achievements and material pleasures, and grew out of them naturally.
There is no one size fits all approach in any dimension. Each approach must be adapted to the stage you are in. Those acting from their gut instinct, caught in the world of emotions must learn to develop the brain. And those caught in the intellectual world of thoughts must learn to develop their instincts and higher emotions. And the reason you both coexist in the same reality is to help one another do so – but you all miss this point and exclude each other from your reality. Instead of collaborating, you compete. And here goes another missed opportunity to integrate your polarity. So, after reading this and undertaking your Conversations With Self Programme, I hope you’ll be wiser.
To benefit from the full Four Levels of Consciousness teachings, you may want to take the full Masterclass