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Life is a mystery, a puzzle we spend our short experience here trying to understand. Up until now, humanity has looked mainly at its fragments, and like any puzzle, until you put all the pieces together, you won’t see the picture.
So far, nothing new. But what if I told you that there are always two ways to everything?

The puzzle, for example – you can build it from the bottom up – meaning from pieces into the whole picture, or from top to bottom.

At some point, that puzzle was first an idea, which became a picture, which then somebody cut into many tiny pieces to give you something to do, something to figure out, something to push you further, to challenge and better you.
That ‘somebody’ and those helping them to cut the picture and deliver it to you know how the whole picture looks like. So, the other way of building the puzzle, of putting the pieces together is by asking its maker to show you the full picture.

Figuring life’s puzzle works by the same principle.
You can either get stuck in analysing piece by piece in its minute details in an attempt to understand with which other piece will best fit. This is the classical example of our old model of science, including medicine and most healing modalities.
Or you can dedicate your studious efforts to getting access to the library holding the whole picture. And that is what we call by many names: God, Higher Self, Consciousness, Creator.

By some unknown design to our young minds, everything in existence works on this same dual principle of vibration: you come into life, and at some point, you go out of life (at least this one as we understand it so far). Light comes in, then light goes out – and then we call it dark.

This beautiful dance of pulsation – in and out – is to be seen everywhere. From the tiniest life form to the macrostructure of our society. And as human life in this expression is bound (so far) by the rules of society, it pays to have a better look at its whole picture, from above, this time.

Let’s take, for example, the good/evil duality to understand how everything is a two-way journey, and in doing so, I will choose a much-debated subject: our health.

Most people come to agree that the medical science has sold to the ‘dark side,’ or at least a big part is now in service to ‘big pharma’ than to those it was meant to serve: us.

By the two way model to everything, the doctors – in this scenario, and the big pharma, are seen as ‘the bad’, and the rest of the population subjected to their treatment and paying them with their hard earned money (tax and often with more than that) – are seen as ‘the good’.

As you could see, good and bad are mere subjective interpretations, and one without the other would not exist.

Instead of spending bile and breath on vilifying ‘the other’ (‘the bad’) for doing what it wants, for knowing exactly what it wants, and having the guts to go and get it, ‘the good’ (people) could take example from ‘the bad’ and do the same.

Instead of complacently waiting for, paying for others to learn and discover more about their body, their mind, their science and then complaining about the results, they can turn the tables around and invest in their own education, in their own researches and discoveries.

This will indeed empower, heal, and help them evolve. ‘The good’ will finally see ‘justice’; their time of triumph. But in so doing, they have also just swapped places with ‘the bad’. By cutting the survival cord of dependence, now, ‘the bad’ becomes the victim. The ones who used to ‘feed them’ have cut the food supply.

Do we all deserve to have our basic needs met, such as food? Most, if not all of us would say “yes”.

Would starving others (indifferent what form their food would be), when you know you could feed them, be seen as ‘good’? Depending from where you look at it, the answer would be different, but for the sake of the argument, I think that most of us would answer “no.”

As Socrates would put it, if refusing to feed those who need us, in its abstract would not be ‘good’, then it must be ‘bad’.

Now the ones complaining would be those whom we had complained against. The victim becomes the victor and vice-versa.

The only thing that keeps the victim in its position it is its lack of understanding the bigger picture, this beautiful yet cruel dance of pulsation: Now you have – now you have not. Now you come – now you go. Now you eat – now you are eaten. Now you use – now you are used.

Coming from the bottom up building of the puzzle, we would have it very hard to get anywhere near of seeing the vastness of its whole, not to mention understanding its meaning.

Once cut, each piece feels like the whole, perhaps due to its fractal memory, or perhaps due to the loss of it, the separation creating, in this case, a sense of independence, of ‘uniqueness.’ And while that may be true from the appearance, each piece is as unique and special as the other. And as long as they think they are unique and different from the others, they will never accept the puzzle to be put together. Because they will refuse to sit next to the exact piece that reminds them of their smallness, next to the piece that would complement the picture to bring them all back into wholeness.

After a lifetime of searching to put the puzzle pieces together from the bottom up, I have finally had (earned would be the word) access to the library containing the big picture. Now and then, as if depending on me knowing the new passcode, which seems to be changing after each glimpse, I get flashes of profound insight and this aspect of what we call ‘us’ and ‘the others’ has been one of them.

Instead of looking to people as good and bad, or any other selective classification, I now look at each of them (you) as another piece of me/Self: the big picture of the puzzle. The Self originating beyond time and space, not the separate, special, unique ‘me’.

All I have to remember from now on, until ‘the next password change’, is that every single person – the ones I love, and those that I cannot stand – are parts of me acting out, and that I have a choice as to which role I play in our interaction before I integrate them within: the good/victim or the bad/victor? Either way, the journey is always a two-way dance….


Copyright Gratiela M. Rosu 2017


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