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The pyramid scheme of millionaire mindset coaching and ‘influencer/entrepreneurs’ wind-selling industry

My answer to Daniel Priestley‘s MINDSET post on LinkedIn, and a cathartic rant about the shameless opportunists raised to fame by the internet, who profit of the humanity’s crisis.

The problem

Since the beginning of this civilisation the world was divided between the haves and the haves-not. By whom? That’s a whole other discussion. By what? Knowledge!

During our 5000 + years of written history, knowledge was trickled down on the “need to know basis”. Education into some of this knowledge was the privilege of the few: First, the initiates high priests, then the royals, then the aristocrats, then, after mass revolts, by the bourgeoisie who became our modern world industrial capitalists.

How knowledge found its way to the simple mortal is still a mystery. One thing is certain. Not everyone had access to this knowledge, and those who had, brought with them a portion that was appropriate for their times.

The healer didn’t know how to build ships. Mozart didn’t have the impetus and gift to sculpt like Michelangelo.

Despite their higher education, there weren’t the priests, the royals, the aristocrats, or the industrialists the ones to build the maps of the stars to charter the earth. Or the ones to discover the earth’s hidden minerals, precious metals and stones, and their use. Or the healing powers of plants. Giordano Bruno, Da Vinci, Mozart, Tesla, the Wright Brothers, Aurel Vlaicu, Marie Curie, Mesmer, Milton Erickson, and all the healers and luminaries of this world, didn’t learn their crafts and inventions from a university degree.

Knowledge was and is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands. And the wrong hands have always been those without the gift.

The gifted are enriched by the gift they carry for the common good and progress of humanity. So they/we have no ambition to riches and no mercantile bone in us. The ungifted was/is the jealous despot, the usurper of the knowledge of the gifted. The unscrupulous thief and merchant. The opportunist speculator.

This is how the world was divided into the haves and have-nots.

Those without the spirit of knowledge and divine gift have set on a world domination and repression of those carrying the light of divine knowledge. Poor in spirit, they had to conquer the matter and hoard its resources.

If they cannot create and self-generate through that inner creative power, they may as well imprison those that can and force them into servitude to ensure their self-preservation.

So, the gifted had to be contained to prevent them from spreading their light of knowledge to the masses. Tortured, bought, killed, or corrupted. Because if they achieved their mission and purpose, if everyone would be touched by that divine light of knowledge, especially Self-Knowledge – the highest form of knowledge, the ungifted would lose their supremacy.

Since they cannot create, they’ll have to work the mines, the roads, the factories… What use would have they otherwise? What contribution do they bring to society other than leaching from the blood and sweat of the gifted and hard working?

Stripped naked of their ruse, ambition, deception and manipulation, what contribution to humanity have ever brought the ruling elites? What cure has ever invented a king or queen, or Pope, or Archbishop, or a CEO?

Bezos is the world’s richest entrepreneur, yet the most vile when you think of the inhuman work conditions and substandard pay of his employees who have to pee in bottles to make their quotas.

What technology has ever invented the industrialist? Without the brightest minds of gifted yet unseen individuals, what has in fact Elon Musk invented or created single-handedly?

However, no one can say that he doesn’t have a gift. His gift is the gift of visionaries, of being able to bring together the gifted and those with the money to allow the gifts to materialise. In what, that’s a different matter altogether.

Tesla had the gift but not the ambition to profit from it. Edison, on the other hand, had less of a gift but plenty of ambition, so he got rich by gatekeeping that knowledge and selling it in the form that made the biggest profit. And so, instead of having free energy, we pay most of our hard-earned money on electric bills thanks to the acclaimed entrepreneurial spirit of Edison.

The socioeconomic context

Since most of the world resources have already been pillaged and acquired by the ungifted, and since technology is about to make human labour redundant, those at the bottom of the pyramid (the 99%) are left to fight for the little that’s left.

And in today’s world, that is the new internet El Dorado.

Today, the only patrimonium available for you to acquire is internet followers. Eyeballs and attention. Insecurities, fears, and despair of the masses. The minds, hopes and aspirations of the oppressed to be mined and exploited for a profit.

New jobs were invented from thin air: Social media marketing specialist, SEO, MLM, bitcoin, virtual reality worlds with their economy… And the sprung like mushrooms after the rain wave of ‘gurus’ and ‘experts’.

LOA Manifesting Coach, Entrepreneurs Mindset Coach, Grieving Coach, Abundance Coach, Relationships & Spiritual Gurus… Snake oil merchants posing as your modern-day Messiahs made in the funnels factories of the ungifted, unrefined, vulgar, ambitious, opportunistic grifters.

The plonkers of the world. Too thick to come with anything original. Too stupid to get a degree. Too lazy and impatient to build a trade or profession and gain experience. Too useless to rely on their contribution to humanity. Yet, and perhaps because of it, the most arrogant, facetious, deceiving, ambitious little suckers. The internet nouveaux riches.

You cannot open your phone or laptop without being bombarded with nauseating, recycled, empty “pearls of wisdom”, ever so carefully crafted and curated with the help of the new technology, competing for your attention, pressing your buttons, invoking your shortcomings, and capitalising on your pain and insecurities.

And we wonder why our mental health is worse than ever!

And here, finally I come to my point regarding the LinkedIn post that made my already full glass spill over. The straw that broke the camel’s back. Daniel Priestley post:

“The 3 types of mindset” (remember that human mine?)… “and which one you need to be a SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR” (right hook):


He ends on an indirect CTA (call to action):

“Finding the VISIONARY MINDSET: The environment dictates performance (the sun rises in the East kind of truism that makes your brain go, “that’s true!” and bypasses critical thinking).

And here comes the unspoken CTA:

“If you want to succeed as an entrepreneur” (who doesn’t in today’s shortage of jobs and tomorrow’s absence of them?),

“you need to follow in the footsteps of people who have already made the journey.” (What colour is your Bugatti? kinda discourse).

I.e., him.

A little aside: Steve Jobs broke all rules, Bezos followed in the steps of … no one, and so did Elon Musk. So, I’m afraid, my dear Daniel, you seem to know Jack shit about the visionaries’ journey.

The post ending with an off-putting smirk of a cat who ate the cream photo of the author, with a “FOLLOW” and a hand placed on it – in case you didn’t get the subliminal message.

My BS, disingenuous internet arrivists detector went mad. So I commented that the ‘reptile mode’ is imbedded in our evolutionary make-up, whether we want it or not, and is also the one keeping us alive. That the ‘autopilot’ is also imbedded in our functions as an energy preservation mechanism, which like the first, has its self-preservation role. Without the energy saving of the autopilot, our brains would be in a constant overdrive, and not only we won’t be able to learn something new, but we’ll go eventually insane.

And now the third. The one that really made me see red: “THE VISIONARY MODE”.

Stripped to its bare bones, the message was: If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you need to be in a visionary mode (truism). The environment/aka – the people you surround yourself with decides your performance. If you want to be successful, you need to follow THE VISIONARIES who made the journey before you. I’m one such VISIONARY. Follow me.

So, if to succeed as an entrepreneur you need to be in “visionary mode”, and if by following him you too could become a successful visionary entrepreneur, or at least acquire that “visionary mode” – (whatever that means), the sales pitch going straight to your insecure “reptilian mode” is:

“If you are not in visionary mode, you’ve got a problem, mate! And I have the solution. Follow me.” (Elon Musk, eat your visionary heart! Competition is coming).

I’m not going into his pathetic attempt to deny his dishonest self-serving subliminal intentions. You can read them here. Suffices to say that when he saw that his ruse was exposed, he claimed that he was not in fact selling anything, and had I tried, I would find it very hard to get onto one of his courses. (I’m still recovering from that frustration.)

That is, if you watched his self-promoting, affiliated marketing stunt on his brother in arms Steve Bartlett’s “The Diaries of a CEO”, you’ll find him bragging about his dirty little psychological trick to increase desire in the ignorant consumer by changing the old CTA “buy now/book now” to “join the waiting list”. That’ll make them salivate a bit!

Note: I don’t know about you, but if you don’t have a backlog of clients waiting in queue, “join the waiting list” is a dishonest, misleading tactic playing on people’s FOMO, on their triggers for rejection, and so on.

Science on the effects of sucralose: here.

Back to our Daniel Priestley’s reaction to my comment. He wasn’t explicitly selling directly, yet. I guess, I jumped the gun during the behavioural priming of the struggling entrepreneur before the visionary bite, “join the waiting list” .

Now, I don’t know what he is a VISIONARY or, for that matter, an entrepreneur in. But just for the sake of his argument, imagine if Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, stopped doing what they are/were doing, got off their “visionary mode” to launch a new venture of visionary-making classes. If you could make visionaries entrepreneurs in series, that would be the quickest and cheapest way to advance human progress.

If you could make coaches, therapists, healers, or entrepreneurs bypassing experience, by simply selling them what you know – whether from that inborn gift or plagiarised, as the Jay Shetty, Steve Bartlett, and their hoard of ‘specialists’ pretend, their hundreds of thousands, millions of followers and clients going through their courses, videos and podcasts would have already changed the world, at least in some visible meaningful way. Success leaves clues, right?

The dangling carrot is expert knowledge and access to the right “environment” in which to succeed. I.e., access to their list of followers, eventually, appearance on their podcasts from where to sell your newly acquired specialism, from which they get their cut.

At your turn, you have to hook others onto your courses and create your own batch of followers and ‘specialists’, whom then you too can enrol in selling your courses, since the shit you’ve sold them doesn’t bring them any revenue, or healing, or love, or abundance.

Truth is, my friends, knowledge can’t be bought or sold. You can’t buy your way in becoming an inventor just as you can’t buy your way in becoming a visionary. You are born with the gift and mission or you are not.

Knowledge, true knowledge is a gift and a curse. A raw gem in service of which you labour your entire life to extract its pure light meant to illuminate the world, and only in the area and to the degree entrusted to you by the higher powers of spirit.

It is the cross Jesus had to bear and on which he was crucified.

True knowledge is not fancy. Is not sexy. Is painful, tormenting, maddening. Is a life sentence to loneliness, isolation, and not-fitting in. It is a curse for the bearer and a gift for the world.

As described in The Human Instructions Manual, we are cells in a bigger body of life, each with our own functions, mission and purpose, meant to collaborate and contribute with our natural abilities to the greater picture and to a greater plan escaping us all.

You can’t make a stallion out of a donkey, no matter the investment and ‘consistency’ in training and applying the stallion’s back-engineered routines.

Just as you cannot make a monk of someone by shaving their head, draping them in robes and sending them in ashrams for a few weeks, months or even years.

You cannot make an ‘entrepreneur’ out of a healer, just as you cannot make a healer out of an entrepreneur. The healer has their gift, the entrepreneur has theirs. What the entrepreneur has is ambition and the ability to bring the gift to the world. They are supposed to be connectors and patrons of those with the gift of knowledge, to compensate for what the gifted lack: ambition. But in this confused upside-down world, they’ve mistaken their role of servants of the knowledge meant to help humanity evolve, with the their own self-serving mission.

So, cells supposed to perform a supportive function of other cells – who at their turn are here to support others and so on, have gone mad with the demiurgic thirst for power and self-importance, creating chaos and imbalance in this organism.

The cancer and autoimmune conditions of humanity comes exactly from these cells who refuse to perform their modest functions, while taking over the functions of others.

Not everyone is made to be a coach, a therapist, a teacher, an entrepreneur. If everyone became entrepreneur, who’d do the work? Who’d clean the streets, repair the pipes, build homes, look after the vulnerable, protect us from the deranged?

We are on a precipice of self-destruction. The haves are about to acquire the ultimate power of the AGI, which would be the end of the human spirit as it was intended. The Hunger Games, The 3%, The Squid Games and other dystopian tv series would prove documentaries if we are not getting our act together, and fast.

What we are left with in this last hour are crumbles to sell to each other in our desperate need to move one step higher up on the social credit score and survivability scale.

In all this, if you pay attention, the only, ONLY culprit that separates the gifted, the hard working honest cells keeping this body alive, is money. Money was and is indeed the root of all evil, because without that fictitious power-granting ability to take over the world and its resources, each of us will perform our cellular functions with no competition for supremacy and riches, and live in harmony and homeostasis.

The future of humanity will be preserved by the gifted bearers of true knowledge meant to awaken us all to our higher mission and purpose.

Money, hoarding of billions, of world resources and private islands while the majority dies hungry, sick, illiterate and homeless; competition, the thirst for fame, domination and control, are primitive, vulgar, pedestrian monkey behaviours, not the attributes of an evolved civilisation.

There is nothing to boast about being “a successful entrepreneur” if the success of the entreprise comes at the profit of the few and the expense of the many.

Evolution and progress come when each cell in that civilisation does its part as a calling, as a social and spiritual duty, and no longer as a ‘job’, ‘career’, or ‘for profit business’.

Until we reach that stage, no “visionary mode” course will save us from what’s to come.

Gratiela Rosu

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