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We’re going slightly mad

We are going slightly mad

As I’m about to write this article, I have Queen’s “I’m going slightly mad” song playing in the background of my mind.

I think we’ve all gone slightly mad. Worst, thanks to our poor backgrounds and its even poorer level of education, we’ve been so easily conditioned by the “well-to-do” elites to be proud of it, to give us, like the Gladiators games in the Coliseum, something to keep our minds of the real situation. To give the oppressed masses a means to let off some steam, in a controlled manner and in the right direction. I.e., away from what they are up to while you are so masterfully distracted by futile debates and advocacies about your mental handicaps, as long as you don’t meddle in their business and stay away from the only one that matter: The good old social class divide and the return of the good old rule of the elites over the poor.

As a rebel soul and a tireless seeker for truth and justice, I debuted my adulthood by pursuing a legal career. My appetite for truth and justice through the power of the law was curbed in its infancy during the first year where we were told that “law is about everything but the justice”.

Fast-forward to a reconversion in English law, peppered with the spicy flavour of Oxbridge-bread racism, classism, prejudice (“Tell me, what else is in Romania other than AIDS kids, prostitutes, and crazy mothers wanting to become English lawyers?”), a divorce from hell, a near-death experience, as a result, and a reconversion to mental health therapy and holistic healing, I’ve followed this Ariadne’s thread like a sailor bewitched by the sound of the sirens in an attempt to figure out the cause of our world’s madness.

And throughout these relentless searches, the same themes emerged: Social and moral double standards, social, economic, political and spiritual inequality:

·      The self-appointed elites have special rights, while the poor enslaved masses have special responsibilities: to work and work some more to slave the masters and pay taxes to support their lavish lifestyle and elite education of their offspring.

·      The poor work and the elites gain the benefits, yet they are the ones making laws telling the poor to work harder if they want to get out of poverty.

·      The poor steals a chicken, and he goes to jail. The rich steal countries, and they rule the world.

·      If the poor hoard the things no one uses, they are diagnosed with a mental illness. If the rich hoard the resources of the planet than no one gets to use because of it, they are “respectable world leaders” who incidentally get to write the science manuals and redefine the very definition of sanity.

As I backtracked these emerging patterns in my pursuit of a unified theory of mental health, all roads lead to the old class divide, to the sociopathic need of the few to rule over the many through poverty and poverty-maintained ignorance of the masses.

In other words, we are in the mess we are today because of these sociopathic few who’ve been in power since the dawn of time and remained there through deliberate machinations of keeping the population stupid, uneducated, poor, worked to the bone, fearful and depended.

When I looked at the history of secondary public education in the UK, I wasn’t surprised to see that it was allowed only recently (1944), and that, thanks to Hitler’s WW2, who raised the need of educated and skilled people to reconstruct Britain after the devastation of the war. Its implementation and the 16 years age of leaving school would become a reality, however, much later, in 1972. I was born in 73, so, the history of public education is really only a generation old.

Compare now the crammed classes and poorly trained teachers with Eaton and other centuries old elite schools, and you have the full picture of how the social divide was created and maintained. Elite education vs. non-education, vs. some compulsory education, vs. brainwashing public mass conditioning for the industrial elite and the industrial boom post WW2.

As I was reading the 1944 Education Bill, I could not stop from shaking my head at the contemporaneity of the issues addressed then, still unaddressed today. To cite few examples:

“Mr. Greenwood

We have developed a comradeship in the war effort irrespective of social classes, and it would be out of harmony with the spirit of the nation during the war if we perpetuated an educational system which brought greater advantages to the sons of the well-to-do than could be attained by the poorer sections of the community…

It really is absurd to try and build up a school environment, a personal environment for the child, in his school and on the playing fields and so on, if he lives in a drab, cold and miserable house in a dull, damp and miserable town. It is not much use getting the best out of a child if there is insecurity of life for the parents. I mention social security as an essential contribution to the settlement of the major educational problems.

Captain Crowder (Finchley)
As a nation we cannot be proud of our educational methods, as shown by the moral standards of so many juveniles of today. Those in charge of the intake to the Services, especially the women’s Services, are horrified at the lack of understanding and the low moral standard of a good many of the entrants. Various people have been blamed for this state of affairs—the Board of Education, the local education authorities, the teachers and the parents. I read a letter in the Press the other day from a parent which ran as follows: “There must be something wrong with a system which has so completely failed not only in simple education, but also in the elementary principles of cleanliness and honour.”

We want quality as well as quantity; more teachers, yes, but with a high sense of responsibility of training in Christian principles. What the teachers are, not what they say, the inner and unconscious ideal which guides their lives, is really what touches the child. We shall be agreed that the noblest fruit of education is character and not acquirements, character which makes the simplest life noble, beneficent and rich. Children have really more need of models than of critics and unless the standards of the teachers are of high quality, this Bill will not succeed in its object.

The present system—whereby boys and girls go straight from the school to training college and then back to school again, without broadening their minds and without travelling through the Empire or through the world, is largely responsible for the present situation.

If we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that the evidence of the last four years has proved that our educational system, especially as regards the elementary schools, has largely failed.

… If the fault is with the parents, as I think it is to a large extent, one cannot be surprised, with the number of divorce cases doubling every year and the number of illegitimate children increasing year by year.

…I do feel that parents should have more say in the education of their children both on the religious and the practical side, because it would be a disaster if parents felt that they had done their duty when their children had left the nursery and were content to hand them over to the State to be directed and provided for by officials.” (emphasis added)

Source: Education Bill – Hansard – UK Parliament. Published 2024. Accessed April 14, 2024.

If you follow the threads as I did by only looking at the history of public education and its contexts, you’d soon arrive at the same conclusion: The system was rigged from the start and there is no chance in hell of ever bringing social reform for the masses to do away with the mental health crisis caused by this cosmic socioeconomic divide, by pleading and appealing to the political structure made of the elite-educated ruling class.

And if you are as bold an explorer of the shadows of the human affairs reality as I am, you’d end up down the rabbit hole of other elite-bread dysfunctions – the factory where the narcissistic, sociopathic future world leaders are bread: The elite boarding schools with their superiority conditioning, their ‘us vs them’ mentality, their stripping of humanity and empathy from our future ‘leaders’, and their trauma bonding loyalties and cliquism.

When I stumbled on a YouTube video interview “Private Schools Are Trauma Factories | Ash Sarkar meets Richard Beard | Downstream”, (which I highly recommend you watch), the puzzle of this whole social agenda and social advocacy for improved human conditions became clearer than day:

“We’ll never achieve any of that as long as we have in power this dehumanised, all boy elite boarding school political class.”

As Richard Beard states in this interview and in his book “Sad Little Men”, these elite schools are trauma factories meant to toughen up the future leaders by breaking the most fundamental attachment bonds in their formative years, while overcompensating on the intellectual development side.

And we know how this ends. The victim becomes a perpetrator, giving rise to the pandemic of the dark triad of personality disorder responsible for our social ills: Narcissism, machiavellism and sociopathy. Or what I call, the dissociated, divorced from empathy, left brain dominant individuals.

In a Guardian article titled Why public schoolboys like me and Boris Johnson aren’t fit to run our country”, Beard gives the answer in a nutshell: “Our elite schools foster emotional austerity and fierce clique loyalty.”

He goes on referring to Joy Schaverien’s Boarding School Syndrome book, calling the effects left on the survivors “a recognised condition”, with symptoms such as:

·      ingrained from an early age emotional detachment and dissociation

·      cynicism

·      exceptionalism

·      defensive arrogance

·      offensive arrogance

·      cliquism


·      guilt, grief, denial

·      strategic emotional misdirection

·      and stiff-lipped stoicism.

Basically, everything going wrong in the world – from politics, biased elitist science, to the corporate and tech world.

Why do I say that we are going all slightly mad?

To begin with, because we’ve been at this game of trying to eradicate the stronghold of the few over the many for centuries, and instead of having a flourishing civilisation, we are heading towards dystopia. All our rights and liberties gained after a history of blossheds and sacrifices have been methodically stripped from us. Constitutions, The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights, have been curtailed by new laws and enactments to protect the select few from the inevitable revolt of the masses.

How free and evolved are we as a society when

You no longer have the freedom of expression, beliefs and conscience.

You no longer have the right to disagree with those in power and expose their corruption and Machiavellian plans without being cancelled as a “conspiracy theorist”, guilty of “misinformation, disinformation”, and soon, jailed.

You no longer have the right to privacy and sovereignty over your home and body, of what goes into your body. You could be experimented on, injected, drugged, soon microchipped and controlled – whether you like it or not.

You have no say in the direction of science and where the research budgets are allocated. AI will soon replace your jobs, “we’ll own nothing, eat bugs and be happy”.
Nevermind the damage done by science. Let’s not forget, it wasn’t the farmer who invented lobotomy, but a Nobel Prize laureate. Or the atomic bomb, or Agent Orange, DDT, and all the chemicals killing our soil and us with it. Nevermind the damage done by the industrialists, the wars and nuclear weapons testing, the weather modification experiments, the Big Pharma pollution of rivers and lands – with a greater carbon footprint than the car industry. You, the impoverished, depressed corporate victim, wishing to return to nature and some semblance of normalcy, are the environmental threat with your ‘sinful’ appetite for meat and ‘unsustainable, environmentally selfish’ homegrown food aspirations.

But don’t fret.

    You have the right to call yourself whatever you want and stirr futile controversies that would keep the populace occupied and distracted.

    You have the right to be mentally ill without the stigma attached to your diagnosis (by the same people who developed psychiatry and got you in that state to begin with, who not so far ago diagnosed poverty as a genetic disease and homosexuality, a mental illness).

    You have the right to take your 5 a day – pills, that is – no matter the environmental pollution or their effects on your health and life. The more drugged you are, the more docile, and the bigger the share prices.

    We’ve made one step forward, and now we make 5 steps back.

    The problems with the educational system for the poor mentioned in the 1944 Bill are still the problems we are faced with today. In fact, worst.

    We’ve gone slightly mad because we’ve put the fox in charge of the hen and then go to it to ask it for more legislative solutions to preserve the health and wellbeing of its victims.

    Lastly, expecting the ruling elites and their political class to empathise with the traumatised masses suffering from mental health conditions, when they themselves have been brutalised since early age and forced to divorce themselves of their humanity to ensure their ‘ world leadership lineage’, is equal to expecting to get pregnant by a eunuch.

    If that’s not madness, I don’t know what it.

    We cannot appeal to our political class for change in our poor wages and poverty-stricken conditions when these are the very factors giving them and keeping them in power.

    Just as we cannot appeal to their human sensibilities when they have the emotional quotient and empathic bandwidth of a predatory species.

    Change can only happen by breaking ranks with their controlled educational/indoctrination system. By self-educating ourselves to the point where we no longer fall for their deceptive manoeuvres and divisive social wild goose chase, such as false problem debates about transgender, hate speech, “misinformation, disinformation and conspiracy theories” (which, unfortunately, ended up true).

    Change will happen when instead of advocating for our rights to have our mental health problems included and respected, we unite, educate ourselves, and act for our common good to eradicate and prevent the causes of these conditions.

    Will we be able to rise to the task? I’m not sure given the state of the population and the advancement of AI. I hope so, because the alternative is bleak.

    Question is, how many of you have actually read until the end this article, and how many of you have the courage to add your comment? There lays the test…

    Gratiela Rosu – Mental Health Specialist, Founder of the CWS Method®, Author of

    Conversations With Self – God Has Multiple Personalities And You Are One

    When Angels Weep Man Takes Antidepressants

    The Great King, The Evil Wizard And The Returning Prince

    The Human Instruction Manual For Mental Health – Heal – Prevent – Thrive in 90 Days


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