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Why spiritual education is crucial for the survival of humankind

Look around!
What separates us?
Every child, man and woman living in different parts of the planet is born the same way and will leave this world the same way: through birth and death.
We all need the same things: air, sun, water, food, shelter, good health, the ability to freely express our inherent abilities, and Love.

What separates us then?

From the ape that lost its fur to the offspring of the outcasts Adam and Eve, we have behaved like orphans who ignore their origins. And like orphans, we have tried to write our own history to fill in the blanks.

Our world is ruled by the business model of immediate profit. If something can make money, is worth pursuing, if it doesn’t, is not.
This money-driven society brings itself to extinction. There are no longer trees in the forests, most if not all of the water on the planet has been contaminated, the entrails of the Earth have been sucked dry of their resources, the air is unbreathable in some parts of the world, lands have been poisoned, soon food, water, air will become a luxury…

We live as if it doesn’t matter! Worst, we live as if we only live once!
We live like a poor who has landed in a rich hotel, who eats, drinks and grabs all it has to offer before being caught and evicted.

Now the chase for money has become even more aggressive. Soon, only the rich would be able to live on this planet. Only those with money would be able to buy the expensive “healthy food”, clean water, live in a protected city with all the amenities…
The Hunger Game, under this current model of living, will prove a prophecy.

This model of living has not only shortened the life of this planet, but it has dehumanised us.
You cannot say “Hello! Good day!” to someone in a city without looking like a madman. You cannot make a compliment without risking to be accused of sexual harassment or become suspect of wanting something from the person you made it to.
People are no longer looking each other in the eye when they meet or even when they speak to each other. Everybody has an agenda, and that happens to be “how can I use this person for my personal gain?”

Crime, aggression against one another, this advantage taking of the masses, of the weak and uneducated, family disputes, rape, discord, wars, irresponsible reproduction, illness, lack of joy and fulfilment in our jobs – are all the result of our ignorance, individual and collective of who we really are, where we come from, and where do we go once we leave this mortal human shell.

It is only because we think that this life is the only one we have that we behave like barbarians dressed in fancy suits.
It is only because we think that we could get away with it that we do it.

This ignorant way of living has crept even amongst the most modest and honest of us: “I have to put food on the table, a roof over my family’s head, pay for my children’s tuition…I have no choice! You cannot change the world, so I have to do what I have to do for my family!”

Women… We have been the most ostracised species, after the animals or alongside with them. We have now world movements in support of other women, flashy first-page magazines photos, incensed Oscar speeches… Women in power support other women, as long as it serves them, as long as their profit won’t suffer. Try speaking to Oprah, or any top literary agent, or any woman in a position of power and see how far you get.

Women lawyers are ready to leave a single mother with her child on the streets or with barely the surviving necessities as long as she gets her fat check from her client. Women who, in reverse, destroy a man’s life and work claiming (grabbing) half of that man’s riches for only a few years of marriage to which they have contributed nothing at all…

From the common thief to the more polished businessman or woman, politicians and so forth, this model of “everybody for himself” is as good as the belief that you’ve got a one-way ticket, and you better make the most of it.

But what if that’s not the case?
What if this life is one blink of an eye in the cosmic Self-discovering scheme?
What if this life is a test, your test to see how far on the scale of spiritual development you have gone?

Yes, that word that makes the materialistic “scientists” cringe. And with good reason! If that scary word is true, then their jobs will vanish! Their world-view, their stature, their superiority over the simple-minded, gone! The schools, the universities, the whole social structure will then have to change.
The teachers would become once again students.
The superiority of knowledge would be measured by a cosmic scale based on your good deeds, and no longer on the “survival of the fittest” rule.

The cognitive bias based on the vested interests will scream: “Fake news! Conspiracy theory! Mumbo-jumbo! Pseudo-science! Communist views threatening our way of life the way we know it!”

And still, what if it is true?

If we were to take the business model, the most successful businesses on earth are those who have a long-term investment plan.
It is well known that those without a long-term plan will, sooner or later, perish.

The materialistic way of life is the short-sighted, short-term “business plan”.
The spiritual education into the real science of Self is the long-term “business plan”.

Instead of investing in trinkets and self-destroying, short-lived pleasures at the cost of all other souls, including ours, the planet and the corner of the universe we occupy, we invest in Eternity!
We build civilisations on a long-term vision.
We live to explore realms to which the tiny materialistic-oriented view is blind.

We know that death is not the final frontier.
We know that reincarnation is not just a made-up Buddhist nonsense. We have over 40 years of studies backed by evidence in past-lives, especially of children.
We know that we are not alone, and especially not the cleverest in this universe!
We may have found ways of changing organs, but we cannot explain the sudden change in the behaviour of the receiver to that of the deceased donor.
We know that we can amputate a limb, but we cannot explain the phantom limb pain.

We know very little about our origins and our destination but behave as if we knew everything.
Would you call this “science”?

Learning about ourselves from a higher perspective than that of the “dog eats dog” of the materialistic science will give us more than we could ever grab in one lifetime.

It will give us true organic knowledge, first-hand experienced, instead of that out-dated memorised from old books.
It will give us awareness of the vastness of life.
It will give us curiosity and a way of learning based on exploration, and not based on a predetermined rigid theory.
It will give our children the right to freely express and fulfil their potential instead of reducing them to brainless gadget-users.

It will give us kindness. Knowing that the way we treat others will determine how many lifetimes we would have to be treated the same for us to learn our lesson and set the balance straight, would give us the incentive to behave at our best.

It will give us joy. Knowing that we are all one, experiencing that feeling will rid us of fear, of hatred, of jealousy, of having to pay or manipulate someone to accept and love us.

It will give us the knowledge to live long, healthy and prosperous lives where everybody thrives.

Finally, it will give us the right to join our star family, our more evolved civilisations.

It will give us a blank canvas where the possibilities take a new dimension.

It will take away our suffering for those departed.
The night when my deceased brother told and showed me that he is not dead, it was the night when I lost my fear of death. I was 13.

The spiritual education is the long-term “business plan” for any civilisation. The materialistic, consume-driven is the short-term one.

A spiritually evolved person is kind, trustworthy and collaborative.
A materialistic, spiritually ignorant person is greedy, jealous, competitive, combative, will sell you for the next best deal, whether you are an employer, a spouse or a partner.

A spiritually evolved person will lead their life with respect and love for all other forms of life.
A materialistic person leads their life with respect for no one other than those more powerful than himself, and with love for only those that could procure him pleasure.

You don’t have to be a genius or a visionary to see the difference. You just have to look at the state of the world!

For all those reasons, and for many others that could not fit in an article, spiritual education is crucial for the survival and the evolution of humankind.

It is the only way we could know true happiness, wellbeing and prosperity, as an individual, and as a collective.

Grațiela M. Roșu
Author, Therapist & Spiritual Educator
Founder of the spiritual education method into the Science of Self – CWS Coaching*

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