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Your destination conditions your life

… and your beliefs determine your destination.

There are over seven billion people on this planet, each with their set of beliefs, their religions, their hopes and dreams. Each one is a unique individual, and yet, we all do the same things. We wake up, running on the social treadmill trying to “make a living”. During the working hours we meet and interact with people from the standpoint of our needs, wants and interests: “Will they help me forward my career? Will they give me what I need? Will they help me get ‘there’? There, where?

Depending on your inherited or developed beliefs, there are many destinations towards which people run.

If you are a religious person, you spend your life in between the need to be punished for your “sins” and the need to see others punished for theirs. If things go well, your table is full; your house is safe, your job or business secure; you take it as a sign that you are doing well God’s bidding. Your final destination, although you don’t spend much time thinking about it, is “Paradise”. You don’t know if it exists, and if it did, you don’t know if you would like it there. All you know is what others told you. But for the argument’s sake, let’s say that you do go to Paradise and it is as you have imagined. Then what? Would you spend an eternity in an enchanted garden with angels singing harps? Do you really think that this is all it takes for an eternity of bliss: a lifetime of going to church, praying and trying to get as much in between? When was the last time you have spoken to your God? Or even better, when was the last time your God has spoken to you?

If life has thrown one too many in your path, you might have dropped all faith in good and switched sides. You might have made “the pact with the devil”. You are doing “his bidding” as a form of revenge. Still, what is your final destination? Hell? And what then, once you are there? Will you lead an army of demons against the bright side? And then? Where will you go? What will happen to you, your soul?

If you are a spiritual person of many flavours, who is not “religious per se” but believes in a Creator, you will lead your life in a mix between the belief that you and the others are a part of God, of Creator, and the need to live as if you weren’t. Meaning, in a constant competition with who is the holier; whose spiritual practice is mightier, whose diet gets you closer to Source; whose mantra “manifests abundance” the best.
You take obstacles either as a “lack of alignment” or as a “karmic debt” which you are here to set straight. And for the argument’s sake, let’s say that you did. Then what? What is your destination? You run to “ascension” as to the Holy Grail. You made out of “ascension” your destination. Some of you talk about the 5D before even mastering the stage you are in – meaning, your upper-mid 3D. By your count, what happened to the 4rth? But let’s say that you land in 5D. Then what? You can just think and wish and manifest all your heart’s desires? What are those really?

For those of you who have splinter souls with memories from other civilisations, your final destination is “back home”: the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda, Agartha or inner Earth, Sirius and so on. You believe that you came here because “a call was put out in the universe to save the Earth, and you volunteered”. Caught in this heavy density, you struggle for air and cannot wait for “the assignment to end”. What was “the assignment”? And finally, once you have done your bit, then what? Let’s say you go back to those places… What next? You take a long well deserved vacation and wait for the next “call”? What if this is the final call?

And finally, if you are an atheist, things are simpler. Your final destination is the grave. Everything between now and then is just a matter of time, which you make sure to fill with all you want, the way you want it, and the rest be damned. But, let’s say the grave is the last stop, at least for you. Then what? Do you stop being altogether? Do you lose all your senses in the process of decomposition? Do you black out and cease to exist? Are you sure? And if so, how? How do you know since your beliefs system is based on proof and “tangible evidence”?

As you could see, no matter the category you are in, we run like mad chickens without a head towards an unknown destination. For most, the imagined destination is a reward, like the star stickers we give to our children in a screwed-up way to reward “good behaviour”. For others, the reward is the freedom to do as they please while here.

But what if you are wrong? What would your destination be?

You will find more insights and challenging questions in my book  Conversations With Self, God, Consciousness And Existence Revealed.

And once you have read it, please get in touch!


© Grațiela M. Roșu CWS Coaching* 2018


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