Life mastery,
I’ll keep saying it until I’ll run out of steam:
Every human problem is caused by ignorance, and all the solutions are in education.
I know this is not an income-friendly-public image statement. It sure isn’t the viral kind of topic, but you can bet your ass that is the truer thing you’ll ever read!
You get ill because you don’t know how you function, and you stay ill because you don’t want to find out!
You get a shitty job, a shitty marriage, a shitty deal overall because nobody taught you when you came out of the egg how to operate this machinery you are driving.
You stay in a shitty job, marriage, and overall discontentment with life because you couldn’t be bothered to learn about it. Point. No frills, no law of attraction, no angels, no breathing techniques, no nonsense about how special you are and how the Universe is going to stop expanding to come to your rescue.
A pill, a therapy, a politician, the invocation of help “from above”, will not change your life, and it definitely won’t heal you! You will!
A martial arts student needs a master to learn from. The master will give him or her the tools, the moves, will light the path, but he won’t do the moves or walk the path for the student.
The student has to do the moves, on, and on, and on, until it gets it.
It will get hurt, on, and on, and on, until he masters the pain.
To master anything, especially the art of being a human, you’ll have to be willing to train. On, and on, and on, until you get it.
Like mastering any skill, it will take a lot of conscious and sustained effort, it will involve a lot of mistakes, shit-load of failures, and a bulldog determination to stick with it until you get it, no matter what. You will advance in stages; get your belts… But if you are not willing to put in the work, to make your mistakes, to learn your lessons, and to keep growing, you’ll never get anywhere, and you will never achieve anything!
Your only hope, then, will be that the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t get out of business.
You will stay ignorant, bitching about the social injustice while claiming that your health, your children’s health and wellbeing should be covered by the social system to which you only contribute with your problems, victim of an entity that prays on your ignorance.
How about that for a motivational speech?
The illustration of martial arts progress of a student by the belts colours, is the best comparison with our life-learning training.
The mastery progress illustration:
White Belt: White signifies a birth, or beginning, of a seed. A white belt student is a beginner searching for knowledge of the Art. The white belt is the beginning of life’s cycle, and represents the seed as it lies beneath the snow in the winter.
Yellow Belt or Sash: Yellow signifies the first beams of sunlight which shines upon the seed giving it new strength with the beginning of new life. A yellow belt student is given his first ray of knowledge, opening his mind, from his instructors.
Orange Belt or Sash: Orange represents the growing power of the sun as it warms the earth to prepare for new growth in the spring. The orange belt is starting to feel his body and mind open and develop.
Green Belt or Sash: Green signifies the growth of the seed as it sprouts from the earth reaching toward the sun and begins to grow into a plant. A green belt student learns to strengthen and refine his techniques.
Blue Belt or Sash: Blue signifies the blue sky as the plant continues to grow toward it. A blue belt student moves up higher in rank just as the plant grows taller. The light feeds the plant so it can continue to grow. The student is fed additional knowledge of the Art in order for his body and mind continue to grow and develop.
Purple Belt or Sash: Purple represents the changing sky of dawn, as once again the student undergoes a new change and prepares for the transition to advanced student. A purple belt begins to understand the meaning of the black belt.
Brown Belt or Sash: Brown represents the ripening of the seed, a maturing and harvesting process. A brown belt is an advanced student whose techniques are beginning to mature, and he is beginning to understand the fruits of his hard work as a beginner.
Red Belt or Sash: Red signifies the red-hot heat of the Sun as the plant continues growing toward it. As a red belt student acquires more detailed knowledge, just as the plant grows slowly toward the Sun, so the red belt student learns to be more cautious with his knowledge and physical abilities. Red is a sign of danger, and the red belt is beginning to become dangerous with their knowledge and abilities.
Black Belt or Sash: Black signifies the darkness beyond the Sun. A black belt seeks new, more profound knowledge of the Art. As he begins to teach others, he plants new seeds and helps them grow and mature. His students, many whom will form roots deep into the Art, blossom and grow through the ranks in a never-ending process of self-growth, knowledge, and enlightenment.
If you want to dig your teeth into more articles for self-growth, here’s the meat: