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Why you should never fight evil

Whether is a situation or an illness, trying to fight it is not the answer.

When a person is ill, there is a lack of energy and a weakness as a result. Whatever energy or frequency is taking on the body is stronger at that time than the host (your body). So trying to fight a stronger energy with a weaker one is bound to fail. That’s why so many people cannot heal despite so many treatments, therapies and cures they follow. Unaware, by taking the antagonistic position, they keep themselves trapped in an energetic war. And you can never bring peace with more war. Also, engaging in a fight against ‘whatever’ – an illness, a dark entity, evil spirits and so on, depletes further the remaining energy. The little energy remaining, instead of being used to restore balance, is wasted in this imaginary fight.

The solution is to reinforce your immune system, your energy and your inner peace.

1. Start by getting in contact with that energy, whether is an illness, an energetic attack, a pain, fear, etc. Go into your heart and centre yourself there with the clear intention of understanding the message that experience has to bring you, without fear, without fight or preconceived ideas about “good and evil”. Whatever it is, in the greater scheme it is a part of you, which is either there to help you, either needs your help. Usually both. So by trying to fight and “protect” yourself against that which you don’t understand, you prevent yourself from learning more about yourself. Remember, life is a cycle, not a done deal, and in each cycle we learn new lessons until we have mastered “the game” and escaped the wheel of reincarnation.

2. Clear your intentions. This is equal to the quote from Goethe: “Let everyone sweep in front of his own front door, and the whole world will be clean.”

Most time we operate unconscious of our thoughts, intentions, feelings, emotions, and even our acts. An envious feeling towards someone, for example, has the means to poison both energies: yours, and that of the other. Depending on the level of awareness of that person, it will feel your feelings and thoughts towards them, even if not conscious of what is feeling and where it comes from. That could manifest in many ways: a sudden headache, a pain in the neck or back, a deal gone sour, repeated bad luck, going all the way to having the means to isolate that person entirely from the world and even push them to suicide.

Everybody is responsible for their life, that’s the first tenet, but since we don’t live alone on this planet, dimension, universe or multiverse, we all impact one another significantly, whether we are aware or not, whether intentionally or not. And since we are all linked, generating a destructive energy towards one, is harming all, including the sender. This is what “the law of karma” refers to. Not that you have to be punished for your bad deeds, but that the energy is reaching full cycle back home, to the emitter. So, in many cases of illness or other challenging life situations, this is the feedback to our inner world running wild. The reason it is known to come back tenth fold, it is because, along the way, that frequency will resonate with similar ones, growing in power in its return to you. So you will have to deal not only with what you have sent out but with the whole tribe of that level of frequency.

Identifying our own “ugliness”, stripping it naked to find its core and purifying it through the fire of our conscience – which is the heart energy – we clean the space for that issue. Once our intentions change, the vibration will change automatically, and you will no longer be a match for that frequency.

So how do you identify whether your bad luck, illness or pain in the neck is your own vibration coming back home, or is the result of someone else’s intentions, thoughts, emotions towards you?

It could be both, or even more. The simplest way to address it is to always start “at home”. Clean the house first, and if the situation persists, you either didn’t address all of your shadow self, or you have addressed it, but you have not integrated it. You might have realised why you were jealous of your friend. You mortified yourself for the way you felt, and forced yourself to compensate by sending her “love and light”, the classic spiritual bypassing, without taking the time to own your feelings and emotions generated in you by others, to admit to your lacks, which they have stirred-up, and from there, realising that the “ugliness” of your feeling towards your friend was in fact a beautiful gift to you, helping you become aware that you have become complacent, stagnant, and that is time for you to move up, learn new things, put yourself through different situations that will confront you with more “ugliness” from inside until it becomes your conscious guide instead of your tormentor. At that point, you would have integrated your shadow self relating to that issue, and from having to heal from, you would have transcended into having to heal for. It is this aspect I was referring to when I mentioned that it could be both or more.

Some issues may impose themselves to our awareness because we are here to help heal them. And healing is done only within oneself. Heal one issue within you, and you heal a big portion of that issue for the whole world.

As you can see, no “evil” comes to do harm, as long as we engage it from this integrative perspective.

If the issue is one of “energetic attacks”, that also works on the same principle. There are so many misconceptions about “energy work” and “energy cleansing”…

I had recently an interference that sent me in cold shivers every time I was communicating with that person. I recognised that energy signature as belonging to the 4rth dimension, amongst other “places”, and I was intrigued by its effects on me. The classic “diagnosis” would have been “energetic attack”, and in many ways, it was one. That energetic signature was breaching mine without a “hello”, without asking permission. The classic response is to run away in fear and do whatever to “protect” or “shield” yourself from it. In the New Age and ufology field, there is the concept of other entities attaching themselves to us, sucking us dry of our energy. In religions, they are called either jinn or demons, which, with time, erroneously took the same meaning.

As Jung discovered, “what you resist, not only persists, but will grow in size.”

If an energy signature comes to you, it is because it recognises you, it needs you, and you need it. In other words, that energy is another aspect of you. Trying to fight against it through “protective measures”, not only you fight against another part of you, but you prevent both, them and you, from fulfilling your particular mission and purpose for that encounter.

Since the separation from Source, the main “light code”, if you will, was that “the first to wake up, awakens the others.” Since we operate on clusters in these denser dimensions, we attract only our matching correspondents. Therefore, whether you want to call it a demon, a jinni, a fallen angel, a reptilian and so on, they are an aspect of you, just as you are an aspect of them. Without frequency resonance, you will not be able to “meet”.

So, with this knowledge in mind, I went into my heart, and from there, I opened the door to communication. Instead of running for the sage, I  asked it to tell me what does it needs from me and how can I be of assistance. From there, the miracle of that encounter was instantaneous. By being open to receive it and give it what it needed from me, I received incredible revelations as to its on gift to me. In a somewhat mixed human and spirit dialogue, important truths and revelations relating to my stage were abundantly coming to the surface.

Being open to take the message it is the only way in which you can deal efficiently with these energy interferences. The need for protection comes from fear, and fear comes from ignorance.

When you try to fight that energy, you feed it its own food: fear. It learns nothing; you learn nothing, each will remain ignorant in this apparent victim-perpetrator illusion. By opening to it and let it willingly to “feed” from you, better, offering to feed it whatever it needs, you change the tables. You feed it your own food: love! You change its diet, and through your wisdom, you awaken theirs. Now you have two aspects of Self grateful for the encounter and ready to support one another, or at least, there will be a mutual understanding not to hinder one another. That is the integration process I talk about, and this is our task in these last and troubled hours of this cycle.

But there is one important warning before you do this: You have to have done your inner work and integrated your shadow self to insure that you do not operate from fear, albeit a dissimulated form of it.

© Grațiela Roșu CWS Coaching© 2018

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