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When your pain is not always yours, or not from this dimension

As all empaths would tell you, feeling other people’s emotional states it’s a nightmare. Depending on your level of sensibility and spiritual awakening, you could spend your days like a yo-yo mirroring the energetic signatures you come in contact with, most times unaware that they are not yours. But this is emotional pain or unrest. Some misguided but well-intentioned empaths may even go to the length of transposing that emotional pain into a physical one.

Say, a friend has twisted her ankle, and the empath, in their eagerness to show compassion and provide relief, extends their emotional and mental body to the injured part of their friend, looking for the feeling of pain that their friend is experiencing, as an unconscious way to confirm their “powers” of putting themselves in the other’s shoes. I know, many would find this statement upsetting; still, the commiseration it is so valued in our society, especially in the spiritual communities, that has driven the already handicapped empath to take on more than it already does.

This form of voluntary, albeit unconscious (most times) extension of our “tentacles” to the source of pain of the loved ones, becomes an unhealthy ingrained habit. Since the empath is already on their spiritual journey, they feel spiritually obliged to include in their circle of “loved ones” the whole world. From there, all misery can set tent in their life. An upsetting image presented by the TV news, a scene in the supermarket would be enough to trigger their mental and emotional tentacles to extend. Since the first experience has been memorised as that of searching to feel the pain of others, the pattern is already established, and pain will always be the “target”. And as the old adagio says, “what you search for, you’ll eventually find.” But again, this is not actual physical pain transference. It is a mental construct similar to that of hypochondriacs who, through autosuggestion, experience the symptoms they imagine. This is a phantom mental pain. It may feel real in their self-induced trance, but if I were to shake them out of it, the feeling would be nowhere to be found. This is also the case of people suffering from post traumatic stress disorder after witnessing a tragic event. It is a mental and emotional pain by proxy.

There is a second case: that of inborn, highly gifted healers. Not all empaths are healers. Feeling someone’s troubled states, and knowing how to guide them out of them, are two different matters.

When such a healer deals with the physical pain of their client, they usually go to the source of the pain to see, feel, and read its cause. It is just like a scan, only a natural and more sophisticated one (wink).
This is a total immersion into the other person’s field, with which the sufferer had consented (they were there for that). This is where the total transference could occur; either voluntary, for the initiated, or intuitively. The healer takes the symptom upon themselves to then transmute it. This could be very dangerous and the healer could need some time to deal with that issue. In the meantime, they would have swapped their states with their client: the client feels like the healer felt before the meeting, and the healer feels the pain their client felt before seeing them. The deeper the issue, and depending on the healer’s state when using this power, the longer it could take to dissolve it. If the healer is balanced, the transmutation could be very quick. Generally, the healers who have this power of transmutation know how far they could go and know to identify the pain of their client if it manifests in their field.

There are many other cases when, through entanglement, a person feels the pain of another. Mothers and twins are classic examples.

But there is another type of pain (or other symptoms): transdimensional migratory pain; that originating in another dimension of Self, or another life.

I had two particular examples of this kind of symptom migration. One, with an 18 years old girl who came to see me for her debilitating panic attacks, and the other with my daughter.

The 18 years old client was almost fainting with anxiety in the school’s toilets each time she was entering the premises. She had been for more than two years under medical and therapeutic treatment, with no results. Nobody knew what was wrong with her or what caused her those spells. She had a great family, she was doing well in school, had friends… No apparent reason to justify her symptoms.

After eliminating all potential classical causes, I was myself at an impasse. Nothing seemed wrong with the girl. No stress in her life, no accident, no traumas, either direct or as a witness… I asked her to go directly to the moment when she felt like collapsing with fear, and describe from there what she was seeing. I was actually asking her to access her superconscious mind without having to go into a classic trance (you can read about this in my book Conversations With Self, God, Consciousness And Existence Revealed).

Little did I know at the time!
In short, she took us inadvertently into a past life where she was a little girl during wartime. A lot of blood on the ground, a lot of bodies, a desk under which she hid trying to escape being killed.

I always go into the scene with my clients and see what they see. The pin dropped! She never had those spells outside the school premises, only inside the school. Her peripheral vision of desks triggered her past (or parallel) life memory, which was still very much taking place as if in a subconscious repeat mode. That was a trauma frozen in time that needed closure, but which could not be resolved from the little girl’s state of terror. So, she accessed the part of herself that was sensible enough to receive her distress signal across space-time. Once she had taken control of the scene, the little girl found finally her peace, and my client had lost her panic attacks.

The second case was my daughter. She is a highly sensitive herself and has many, if not the same gifts I do, but she refuses to let them manifests; just like I did at her age.
Bear in mind that at no point, not with my 18 years old client or with my daughter did I ever look to do a past-life regression! I never wanted to do one because I never saw time the way past-life regression therapists see it, so I saw no interests in it.

My daughter, since she was little, had occasional stomach pain, generally stress induced. She was very shy, and we worked on facing her fears, which she did quite well. But from time to time, surprisingly, in situations where stress was no longer a factor, she would crawl with stomach pain. Last time it was so severe that I called the doctor in an emergency for a home visit. He could not identify any physical threat and said that it must be a strange kind of flu.
Back to DIY!

The worst patient is a family member, and every doctor or therapist will tell you this.
My daughter doesn’t have any interest in the work I do, and only once let me put her under a hypnotic trance when she was having some bad headaches, years back.
She had been for more than five days in excruciating pain and fainting spells, and she gave no sign of improving. It was either the hospital or she would let me work with her. She chose the latter.

Within about eight minutes she, too, went into a past life.
I couldn’t believe it! I didn’t ask for it, I wasn’t even sure if it was a good thing for her, given her age. On the other hand, the researcher in me was screaming with excitement. The only thing I’ve asked her superconscious mind was to take her to the time, place or moment responsible for her pain, to show her the cause, and to communicate with me, if necessary, what was needed for her to address it.

Her cause was, indeed, stress, but not from this life; it was from the one she was visiting. She fled as an eight years old girl (she just turned 16 at the time in this life) after her upper house was burned, family killed… Her abreactions and the images I was privy to left no doubt of her genuine experience. I rushed to do what I had to, seeing that a new wave of pain was approaching. She had accessed only the part that was absolutely necessary, the rest she blocked it, and I respected it. A few hours later she came out of bed hungry and ready to go out.
Her occasional pain, ever since she was little, was all linked to this life experience, as I was shown.

The reason I wanted to share these intimate experiences with you, is to help those of you, therapists, doctors or sufferers who deal with unexplained symptoms and pain understand the multidimensionality of our experiences and the migration of one to another.
I know this topic is very much new for most people, especially for science, but it is as real as our bodies and their unexplained symptoms.

If you deal with something like that, your answer may not be in a pill or in a lab test, but in another dimension of Self, calling for help.


Copyright Grațiela Roșu – CWS Coaching* 2018


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