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Can we be upset with Self?

Knowing that we are Self, at least that fragment of Self that is partially self-aware, could we still be upset with someone who wrongs us?

I think we can. There is no greater pain than that of self-disappointment, of knowing that we have acted in a way that undermines our dignity and intelligence; of letting ourselves down.

Too many spiritual teachings have adopted a laxist approach to our spiritual evolution following the misguided religious teachings, “turn the other cheek”.

I believe there is a purpose in everything and everyone. If wisdom’s purpose is to illuminate ignorance, isn’t ignorance’s purpose to learn? If parts of Self have descended into a level struggling with its ascendance with the purpose of teaching them, isn’t their purpose to learn? At least those who claim to want self-knowledge and self-improvement?

And what if those in questions don’t want, despite the help and the knowledge given? What if they still cheat, betray, steal, lie without remorse or wish to repair their crimes? Can we rely merely on compassion for their ignorance, sending them love and light, accepting and loving them just the way they are?

Should we rely on compassion and understanding that not everyone is on the same level of evolution while someone ruins our lives? Would you use compassion alone in front of a pyromaniac who is about to burn your house down?

Should we hide forever behind these misused spiritual teachings while allowing Trump and the mega-corporations destroy this planet and us with it?

I kept asking these questions, which until now had no other answer than the general one: “Self/God knows best. There is a reason behind everything, “good” or “bad”.

In the Conversations With Self book, Self had shown me that both “bad” and “good” are sides of the same coin. That what we call “bad”, “the dark side”, “the devil”, the Demiurge responsible for this physical level of existence was its first self-expression, which with time had gotten drunk with the power of creation inherited, devolving as far way “down” as possible so that it could maintain its illusion of being unique, all-powerful, “God”.

It had shown me that all its choices were valid self-discovery choices meant to teach that there is a consequence for each action or inaction.

Up to a point!

Up to the point where those created were stopped from evolving past those lessons! Up to the point where the trials were no longer a lesson, but a mean to feed and satisfy an overgrown soul-destructive ego!

At that point, the other side of the coin has chosen to detach itself from the coin; has chosen to become its own coin – in and of itself. And it was at that time when the equilibrium was destroyed, the balance broken, and it was then when the war in heaven begun.

Self also showed me why fighting the dark side is doomed to failure: fighting and conflict it’s its food, it thrives on it.
So how were we supposed to deal with it?

Through the power of the heart, at first, holding our position steady in our faith, and from there, trying to reach it, to teach it, to remind it of its Source, just like we would do with a child.
But just as we would not allow a child to become a bully, a criminal without doing something about it, so are we supposed to do something about the dark side, while not fighting it.

But what on earth?

Self talked about this in the book calling it “a third way”. Meaning, not through love, not through hate and fight, but a third way that was never used before, since the previous two have failed.

How can you conceive of a third way when the whole world is split by duality? In another message, Self gave us the answer: “You will have to chose not to hate and not to love; you will have to reborn an orphan of your old world.”

You will have to escape duality altogether. And that’s why the dark side has had an upper hand on us so far! Even those on the spiritual journey have been tricked into its own plan!
So far, wherever you look and whatever spiritual teacher you listen to, they all preach “love and happiness, personal freedom, personal abundance”, sending you in one of its sides, making you choose one side of the duality maintained at all costs by the dark side.

Without misery, you wouldn’t need happiness; without dark, you wouldn’t speak of light; without hate, you wouldn’t need love. You can only choose love when you are not already it, when that aspect of Self was separated from everything else and you have a second option. The mere fact of choosing keeps you bind in duality, and if Self, God is about unity, then the old saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” takes a whole new dimension!

So what is the third way?
ZERO! It had been under my nose since the book came to me, but I couldn’t grasp it until today with such a clarity.
Unity! The place where you know to be both sides, but you take neither. The place from where you know to be the other, too, but you don’t try to save it, to fight it or love it, as we did so far, with no results. The place where you hold strong your unity consciousness without choosing to be “good”. And if the other chooses to acknowledge unity, the third way has prevailed.

“And if it chooses to harm you to maintain its power of duality, then what?” I heard myself asking Self.

“Then it will perish!” came the answer.
“Not every aspect of Self deserves to be saved.
When a limb has become gangrened, you don’t sacrifice the whole body hoping that the limb may, one day, get better. You sacrifice the limb to make sure the rest of the body survives. The same with the aspects of Self. You respect the choice of the other polarity up to the point when that choice violates the purpose of self-knowledge and self-betterment. From that point onwards, it is free to create a world of its own where the only energy is the one of its own making: that of the self-absorbed ego, and in the end, it will finish by consuming itself. In the meantime, those choosing it, have already invested in an eternity of true hell in exchange for some short-term dividends in the futile gains of harming others for their own pleasures. Compared to a human life-span, eternity is a hell of a journey!”

So how can we practically use this “third way”?

“By holding unity consciousness and from there expose the gangrened limbs. A wrong it’s a wrong. A crime against one person is a crime against Self, against all. So each aspect of Self, each human individual has the responsibility to stand united, to work for communal goals, for mutual service, and no longer for personal pleasures at the cost of the rest. All else is part of the new megaverse about to commence, with which the biblical hell pails in comparison, which an aspect of Self has the right to choose if unity displeases it.”

Copyright Gratiela Rosu – CWS Coaching*

Conversations With Self, Wednesday 28 March 2018





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